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    Calabria Region Guide

    Cipolla Rossa di Tropea
    Cipolla Rossa di Tropea
    The Best Food of Calabria
    Calabria’s produce and seafood are well enjoyed with its hearty, local red wine. Many dishes are a mix of fresh ingredients, preserved vegetables, and meats and fish with oil and spices.

    Calabria Food
    This includes a list of traditional products from Calabria that are identified and recognized by Italy and European Community as DOP and IGP. You will also find a list of food festivals throughout the region.

    Calabria Gastronomy
    Calabrian cooking strikes a beautiful balance between meat-based dishes, vegetables and fish all flavored with richly fragrant mountain herbs.

    Calabria: journey of discovery through Calabrian gastronomy and local products
    Every dish of Calabrian gastronomy is an expression of the place and speaks the local language. Whether it is the ancient one of the fisherman, the farmer, the shepherd and the dairyman, doesn’t matter. It is an authentic language, blending tradition and innovation.

    La Cipolla Rossa di Tropea
    The Tropea red onion has been around for over two thousand years and it was used as a treatment to cure diseases.

    The complete foodie guide to Calabria
    The toe of the Italian boot, Calabria is southern Italy at its very best. Blazing sunshine, dramatic mountains, stunning coastlines and a particularly strong food culture makes it one of the best places to eat in the country.

    These deep fried fritters can be served with honey drizzled over top or you can place anchovies in the center for a tasty surprise.

    This is a traditional holiday cookie from Reggio Calabria.

    This recipe is for fried dough drizzled with honey. It is a traditional holiday cookie from Reggio Calabria.

    Province of Reggio Calabria
    Just select a section on the interactive map located to the right to learn more about the cuisine in that area. You will also find a section that includes local specialities, wines and more.

    Wines of Calabria
    The region's versatility is demonstrated by Calabria's 9 DOC and 10 IGT appellations.

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