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    A calendar of events celebrated by this town, which is located in the province of Ragusa. Events include Carnevale, San Giuseppe, San Vincenzo Martire and Santa Lucia.

    Dance of the Devils (U Ballu di Diavulu)
    On Easter Sunday in the small town of Prizzi not far from the city of Palermo in Sicily an annual event takes place called the U Ballu di Diavulu (Dance of the Devils). It is an epic battle between good and evil.

    The Feast of Madonna del Mirto
    On the second Sunday of May the town of Villafranca celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Myrtle.

    La Festa di Sant'Agata
    This feast for the Patron Saint of Catania is filled with tradition, folklore and devotion. For three days in February this city is transformed into a giant feast that is a must for anyone in the area to partake in.

    La Festa Patronale
    In the town of Pedara they celebrate this traditional religious feast, which honors Maria SS. Annunziata.

    Feste di Sicilia
    This lists the date, place, description and phone numbers of the various feasts held throughout the year.

    Fisherman's Feast
    Each year, since 1911, the people of Boston's historic North End have held the Fisherman's Feast to honor Madonna del Soccorso. Learn more about this festival and why there is a special devotion to the Madonna.

    Browse through a list of events, festivals and show located throughout the island. It also includes the name of the festival/event, location and time frame.

    St. Joseph's Altar
    One of the great traditions on this feast day is the beautifully decorated altars, which are a true labor of love, for those who prepare them.

    Santa Lucia
    As legend states in the city of Syracuse, on the island of Sicily, a child by the name of Lucia was born in the year 283. This child became a symbol of light and hope to all. She is the patron saint of the blind and her feast day is December 13th.

    La Settimana Santa
    Palm Sunday marks the beginning of this week long festival. This is an important event for the residents of Enna and a multitude of processions take place throughout the week.

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