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    Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
    Monte Oliveto Maggiore is an early foundation of the Olivetan Order and the Abbey itself is one of the most interesting in Italy.

    Tuscany - JGuideEurope
    Tuscany - Heritage and history, synagogues, museums and areas - With cities like Livorno and Florence, Tuscany represents an important part of the history

    Tibet in Tuscany
    Learn the teachings of Buddhism at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute located in an ancient castle in Pomaia.

    Volto Santo di Lucca
    The Volto Santo is an eight-foot tall wooden sculpture of Christ crucified to the cross that is located in the Cattedrale di San Martino in Lucca, Tuscany. It is one of the most treasured relics in the Christian world.

    Basilicas & Churches

    Basilica of San Pietro in Grado
    It is believed that this church is built in the exact spot that San Pietro disembarked from the ship in Pisa as he was travelling to visit the Pope in Rome.

    Churches of Lucca
    This section contains information on the Medieval churches located in the province of Lucca.

    Il Duomo di Firenze
    This is an excellent site dedicated to the Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore in Florence. In includes a mass schedule, historical accounts and more.

    Florence Churches
    This is a helpful guide, which includes an historical account and in some instances a floor plan to the cathedrals and churches located in Florence.

    San Lorenzo
    It is the oldest church in Florence dating back to 393 AD. The present building was designed and built by Brunelleschi in 1423.

    Santa Croce
    This is the principal Franciscan church in Florence as well as a minor basilica of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Santa Maria Novella
    You can admire the work of Leon Battista Alberti with these photos of the exterior of the church.

    Siena's Duomo
    It is already considered one of Italy's greatest cathedrals and it would have been the largest cathedral in the Christian world if 14th century plans would not have been abandoned due to the plague of 1348.

    Top 8 Churches in Tuscany outside Florence
    Churches in Tuscany are home to some of the finest art and architecture in western Europe. Here’s a list of churches outside of Florence to put on your not-to-miss list.

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