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Italian Life, which is in English, keeps you up to date on the latest news happening in Italy.

News on Italy
Stay on top of the news in Italy by visiting this section. You will find headlines from all over the world that focus on Italy.

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Featured Articles:

La Befana
Cavalcade of the Magi
January 6th marks the 12th day of Christmas and it is called the Epiphany. It is the day that the Three Wise Men (Three Kings); Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar followed the star of Bethlehem to meet the baby Jesus. To commemorate this special day the city of Florence, Italy hosts a pageant called the Cavalcata dei Magi (Cavalcade of the Magi).

The Tale of La Befana
Christian legend has it that La Befana was approached by the magi (the biblical three kings) a few days before Christ's birth. They invited her to join them on the journey to find the baby Jesus, but she declined, stating she was too busy with her housework. Later, La Befana had a change of heart, and tried to search out the astrologers and Jesus. That night she was not able to find them, so to this day, La Befana is searching for the baby Jesus.

Palm Weaving Tutorials
One of the fascinating traditions that my family does for Palm Sunday is to create decorative designs using palms. Here are a variety of tutorials containing step by step guides to help you create a braid, cone, cross, crown of thorns and a rose bud from palms.

Share a Photo, Recipe, Story or Tradition
Italy is a wonderful and magnificent country filled with traditions, stories, incredible food and breath taking views. With your help can help show the world just what Italy has to offer. There are four ways you can help so just select one of the choices and you will be presented with guidelines and a form you can use to contact me about your submission.

Folktales, Legends, Myths, Lores and Fairytales
Every culture is blessed with many tales and legends. Here is a collection of folktales, legends, myths, lores and fairytales for you to read and enjoy.

Where in the World are Antonio and Dante Where in the World are Antonio and Dante?
Join Antonio and Dante as they travel the world looking for all things Italian. On each of their adventures they will give you five clues to help you figure out where they are. Do you think you will be able to figure out where they are?

Buying Property in Italy
Many people dream of purchasing a home or property in Italy. How can we blame them? Italy is rich in history, architecture, cuisine and majestic beauty. When it comes to purchasing land in a different country you need to understand how the process works and what are some potential dangers you may encounter. This guide will help you understand what to look for and how to protect yourself when you are ready to turn that dream into a reality.

City and Island Guide
To help you learn more about the cities and islands of Italy we have put together these great guides that cover a wide range of topics. These guides are great for people who are looking to travel to these places. It is also a great way to learn about the area and what it has to offer.

Italian Inheritance Guide
Italian law can be very complex and when it concerns an inheritance it can get very confusing. If you do not live in Italy trying to understand the Italian legal system can be very tricky and emotional. We hope this guide will help you understand how the whole process works and what you can do to ensure that you protect your inheritance.

Regional Guide
Learn more about the regions of Italy with these illustrated guides. Topics range from traditions & culture to history & travel.

Upcoming Events
Find out what events are taking place throughout the world. Although this is not a complete list of events I hope to make it a place for people to visit so they can find out about various festivals, feast days and other great events that promote Italian traditions and culture.

Italian Proverb
Di buona volantà sta pieno l'inferno
Hell is full of good intentions

More Proverbs

Who Am I?
Each segment will list the important contributions made by Italians throughout history. Will you be able to identify these great Italians?

Italian Trivia
Here is your chance to test your knowledge of Italy and Italian culture by taking our trivia challenge.

Italian in Thirty Short Lessons
Whether you speak English or Spanish you can learn Italian with these helpful 30 part lesson planners.


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